
CODE:00951 5
(Various) band
Culture lymphocytes or bone marrow cells, and fix metaphase cells. This method then involves staining the chromosomes with a dye to create striped patterns (bands), and analyzing the distribution and density of the bands.
G-Banding, Giemsa staining after treatment with trypsin solution; C-Banding, Giemsa staining after treatment with HCI, Ba(OH)2, 2×SCC; Q, staining with quinacrine mustard and observation with a fluorescence microscope. -Banding, a high-precision differential staining method that uses mitotic images from the end of prophase to the beginning of metaphase to increase the number of bands than usual.
Avoid freezing.
The days when we can accept orders (for both blood and bone marrow fluid) are from Monday to Friday.
Please make a request using the name of the disease.
Please see below for target disease names.
If the judgment takes time, the required number of days will be around 20 days.
About submitting a chromosome test Please submit the specimen on the same day after it is collected.
Notes on Blood Disease Chromosome Testing (G-Banding)
1. Sex information is required to determine G-banding, so please be sure to write your sex on the request form. Also, when requesting G-banding after bone marrow transplantation, please be sure to write the donor sex on the request form.
2. 10 million nucleated cells (1×107 cells) are required for bone marrow chromosome testing. Aseptically collect bone marrow fluid to fill this volume. (This corresponds to 0.1 mL of bone marrow fluid when the number of nucleated cells in the bone marrow is 100,000 cells/μL, and 1 mL of bone marrow fluid when the number of nucleated cells in the bone marrow is 10,000 cells/μL.)
3. Steroid drugs, alkylation During administration of drugs or antimetabolites, chromosomal mitotic figures may not be obtained and testing may not be possible.
4. When requesting peripheral blood, if there are no immature cells (blast) in the blood, or if the blood of a patient in remission cannot be tested because chromosomal mitotic figures cannot be obtained. .
Collect blood into the container shown below, mix well, and store in the refrigerator.
After collecting the specimen, please submit it on the same day.
ヘパリン入り (真空採血量5mL)
内容:ヘパリンNa 65IU
Myeloid系 | |
Myeloid系 | |
項目コード | 疾患名 |
0886 7
4507 |
MDS (骨髄異形成症候群)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0895 5
4509 |
MPN (骨髄増殖性腫瘍)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0896 2
4511 |
AML (急性骨髄性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
Y767 4
1340 |
BMT (骨髄移植) ドナー男性
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
Y768 1
1341 |
BMT (骨髄移植) ドナー女性
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0920 4
4515 |
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
Lymphoid系 | |
Lymphoid系 | |
項目コード | 疾患名 |
0931 7
4517 |
ALL (急性リンパ性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0933 1
4519 |
CLL (慢性リンパ性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0949 1
4521 |
ML (悪性リンパ腫)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0951 8
4523 |
MM/PL (多発性骨髄腫/形質細胞性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
0958 9
4525 |
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
Myeloid系 | |
OCRコード 項目コード・新項目コード | 疾患名 |
014204928 450714 |
MDS (骨髄異形成症候群)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014204901 450701
3751 4・014204901 |
014214928 450914 |
MPN (骨髄増殖性腫瘍)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014214901 450901
3752 3・014214901 |
014224928 451114 |
AML (急性骨髄性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014224901 451101
3753 2・014224999 |
01855C128 134014
A369 2・01855C128 |
BMT (骨髄移植) ドナー男性
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
01855C101 134001
A370 0・01855C101 |
01855C528 134114
A372 8・01855C528 |
BMT (骨髄移植) ドナー女性
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
01855C501 134101
A373 7・01855C501 |
014294928 451514 |
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014294901 451501
3755 0・014294901 |
Lymphoid系 | |
OCRコード 項目コード・新項目コード | 疾患名 |
014354928 451714 |
ALL (急性リンパ性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014354901 451701
3756 9・014354901 |
014364928 451914 |
CLL (慢性リンパ性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014364901 451901
3757 8・014364901 |
014414928 452114 |
ML (悪性リンパ腫)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014414901 452101
3758 7・014414901 |
014424928 452314 |
MM/PL (多発性骨髄腫/形質細胞性白血病)
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014424901 452301
3759 6・014424901 |
014454928 452514 |
8B220-0000-046-403 8B220-0000-019-403 |
014454901 452501
3760 4・014454901 |