
CODE:06437 0
Flow cytometry
A technique for analysis of individual cells. Cells stained with fluorochrome-labeled monoclonal antibodies are flown in a stream of solution at a high speed and are passed through the laser beam. The cells are individually analyzed by forward scatter (size of the cell), 90° side scatter (internal complexity of the cell), and fluorescence intensity (cell surface expression of the antigen).
Two-color flow cytometry uses a combination of fluorochromes for double staining.
Acceptable days are Monday to Friday. Please note that accurate results may not be obtained when testing is performed on a sample that has been administered with "Poteligeo® (generic name: Mogamulizumab)". Please judge this test result comprehensively, taking into consideration clinical symptoms and other test results.
Notes on CCR4 protein [FCM]
Used to assist in determining the suitability of Mogamulizumab (genetically recombinant). Please do not use this product for the purpose of diagnosing or confirming the therapeutic effect of ATL (Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma), as its effectiveness has not been confirmed. (From the reagent package insert)
Collect blood into the container shown below, mix well, and store at room temperature.
After collecting the specimen, please submit it on the same day.
ヘパリン入り (真空採血量5mL)
内容:ヘパリンNa 65IU
モガムリズマブ (遺伝子組換え) の適応を判定するための補助に用います。 ATL (Adult T-cell leukemia-lymphoma、成人T細胞白血病リンパ腫) の診断や治療効果の確認を目的とした使用については有効性が確認されていないので、 そのような目的で使用しないでください。(試薬添付文書より)