
CODE:05226 5
HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography)
High performance liquid chromatography
A method of liquid chromatography that uses a liquid as a mobile phase to achieve high speed and high precision separation using a densely packed column and a high pressure pump.
£ Immediately after blood collection, please separate the plasma. Please be sure to freeze your plasma in a light-shielded plastic tube (ASS) before submitting it.
Collect 4.5 mL of blood into 0.5 mL of 3.2% sodium citrate, mix by inversion five to six times, and immediately separate the blood into plasma. Please be sure to submit your plasma in a “light-shielding plastic tube” (ASS). Be sure to store plasma frozen.
3.2%クエン酸ナトリウム入り (真空採血量4.5mL)
内容:3.2%クエン酸Na 0.5mL
有効期間:製造から1年 (25本入りプラスティックケース開封後1ヵ月)