
CODE:05127 5
LPIA (Latex photometric immunoassay)
Latex near-infrared immunoturbidimetry
An antigen-antibody reaction is performed using latex particles bound with antigen or antibody, and the turbidity of agglutination due to the antigen-antibody reaction is measured using near-infrared A method of measuring transmittance by irradiating external light.
For handling of coagulated samples, please see below.
Collect blood in a proportion of 1.8 mL into 0.2 mL of 3.2% sodium citrate, mix by inverting 5 to 6 times, and immediately separate the blood into plasma. Be sure to store plasma frozen. (If you are requesting multiple test items and the amount of blood to be collected is 1.8mL or more, please use a (PC5) container.)
3.2%クエン酸ナトリウム入り (真空採血量1.8mL)
内容:3.2%クエン酸Na 0.2mL
有効期間:製造から1年 (25本入りプラスティックケース開封後1ヵ月)