
CODE:00229 7
CF (Complement fixation)
A method using the fact that complement binds to antigen-antibody complexes and induces hemolytic reaction.
While sensitized red blood cells, which are red blood cells bound by hemolysin, induce hemolysis when bound by complement, the presence of antigen-antibody complexes inhibits hemolysis by consuming complement, making the degree of hemolysis useful in determining the presence of antibodies.
See below (*CF)
*CF (Complement fixation reaction): An anti-complement effect is observed in the complement fixation reaction, which may make measurements impossible, so please collect the blood without adding anticoagulant, separate the serum immediately, and store it in the refrigerator.
Starting dilution 4x (Cerebrospinal fluid can also be measured: sample volume: 0.4mL (refrigerated), standard value: less than 1x, starting dilution: 1x)
分離剤入り (真空採血量9mL)